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Aiming high...


So what exactly ARE our goals here at Rock Hills Farm?



We strive to accomplish many things.  Primarily our goal is to give our kids a love for this land and an appreciation of all that surrounds them.  While doing this, we hope to learn a little more about how to take care of the land and how to use it to take care of ourselves. We are amazed every year at the new challenges we face and the lessons learned along the way. We want to share with others the products and experiences we enjoy. 


And someday we hope to pass what we have on to our children who in turn can nurture a love of the outdoors in their own families.


Simple, right?


No one ever said being a farmer (or a farmer's wife) was easy.  We don't hope for the day when life here is easy.  Instead we hope for many more years to invest in our future dreams at Rock Hills Farm.

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Phone: 502-241-5747

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